Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pasta Landscape driver setup

     Past Landscape driver setup for Oracle BI Publisher (XML Publisher) PDF printing 
      Step 1: Go to Unix

Step 2: Copy  pasta_pdf.cfg to the new file pasta_pdf_land.cfg
cp pasta_pdf.cfg pasta_pdf_land.cfg

Step 3: Open New created cfg file
vi pasta_pdf_land.cfg

Go to following section

Comment all lines and add new command line
preprocess=acroread -toPostScript -landscape {infile} {outfile}

Save fine and close the file editor

Step 4: Now logon to oracle application using system administrator responsibility
             Navigate to Install à Printer à Driver
 And create new driver entry
Add argument line and call new created cfg file for landscape printing (pasta_pdf_land.cfg)


Save record and close the form.

Step 5: Navigate to  Install à Printer à Type

Add new style PDF Publisher (Landscape ) with driver name PASTA_PDF_LAND and save record.

Now you are ready to print BI Publisher (xml Publisher ) Landscape PDF report  

Visit for more information

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